Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Welcome to stuff.drwicked.com, a place to catch all of my various projects into one convenient, search engine indexable place on the internets.

1 comment:

  1. I only just stumbled on to Write or Die 15 minutes ago and have yet to actually try it...but it's an "app" that I would find so useful. In a time where the Iphone/Ipad advertises the quantity of apps it has access to, which works surprisingly or not so surprisingly well when people line up for hours every 6 months for the newest version of the Iphone...the majority of users rarely purchase apps that are useful, they mostly just use it to tell everyone on FB where they are at any moment. There are million apps that are either repetitive or created just for the sake of the creator's ego...So thank you so much for not only contributing useful products but also not polluting your webpages/blogs and such w/advertisements and various other means of trying to make it to the top of Google. I'm polluted with pain killers right now (just your average Advil) and I'm a light weight so forgive my nonsensical...dragging it on and on til I'm out the door on the front lawn talking about all I need is this pencil and this table and this lamp and this remote control and this reference to a time when SNL's cast members actually had comedic talent.
